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Beach House | Poem


It takes courage to love, and a lot more to express, and share your dreams, hopes, and vulnerabilities through words. 'Beach House' come to me in a vision and it continued to appear in bits until I penned it all down. The moment it was complete and on paper, it became mine. Now, I believe it's time for me to share it with you all so that you can make it yours.

The love we deserve and dream of,

is going to last for a lifetime by the beach,

at a house,

we will call home.

We? Yes, we.

Our every day will be lived like a holiday,

in each other’s arms.

We will complain of excessive sand and yet fear to part from it,

just like from one another.

We will hold hands at our morning walks and race to the house,

somedays I will lose and on some days you will lose.

We will know our losses were on purpose but

we will never speak of them.

We will only speak of love.

Children of our own and more,

will come to visit us here, spend an eternal holiday with us.

There will be music.

When the record players stop playing,

there will be songs of our laughter echoing the depths of the ocean.

I will wake up to your unconditional love -

morning, noon, and night.

You will fall asleep to my boundless affection -

evening, night, and beyond.

Each time you carry me in your arms,

I will carry you in my heart,

and you will be sure to see that in my eyes.

For years and years, our eyes will meet only to see love in them,

the kind of love everyone wants but only the blessed can recognize,

and only a few have the courage to keep.

I will see the cosmos in your eyes,

You will see the ocean in my heart,

and not be afraid to drown.

Not for a minute we will want to stay separated,

even in silence, we will remain undivided.

You will have your space,

and I will have mine,

yet as the day concludes,

We will find ether in each other’s embrace.


Oh, we will fight,

to make our kisses taste sweeter the ensuing nights.

Fight we will, on small to big things.

What should the colour of this room be?

Who is going to do the cooking this morning?

Why is this tap still not repaired?

You didn’t have dinner with me on the weekend!

Are all things we will fight,

and vent,

and crib about

but never will we fight for love,

especially each other’s love.

Because we will know,

In love, it’s only to give fully and wholesomely.

Fighting to receive love, is not love at all.


If we ever get overly hot-headed,

we will execute our standard solution.

We will strip ourselves off of clothes at midnight,

and go skinny dipping in the salty sea,

embrace each other as the ocean rocks our bodies

with its timeless waves.

So, fights won’t come between us.

We will allow the sea of love to flood our hearts,

every time we glance at each other.

There are going to be sad days

We won’t fret for we will have each other.

And we will stay true to the happy days too.

because we will know -

Everything passes if we just hold our hands,

and journey patiently together.

We will be a unit of love and yet

climb the ladder of individuality.

As time changes and our individual self upscales,

we will allow our love to remind us to

remain grounded at heart.

Our snores will be muffled by the gracious music of waves.

Our mourning nights of love will be witnessed by the stars of every constellation.

With a bit of possession and a lot of freedom,

we will cuddle our fragile sentiments.


Together, we will bury many dead bodies,

of sorrows,

of grief,

of pain,

of agony,

of distrust,

of insecurities in our backyard.

On the soil of our buried ordeals, we will grow the garden of Eden.

There will be no graveyard of loss or hurt,

We will only own a blooming garden of hope.

We will together soar the skies, hand in hand reaching the Goddess of love.

Others will address us as hopeless romantics,

living in a fantasy world.

Others will try to pull us into the shallow reality,

and practicality of the world that reflects no love.

They will do their best and

we will fall prey to this bait.

Then we will be rescued by each other’s love,

that will be hard to dust off, like the sand from the beach.

Like the beach sand,

our love would have spread in every corner of

our garments,

our being,

our heart,

and our spirit.

We will hug, mollycoddle, embrace,

and love having the ocean eyes in our minds;

not the society,

not the friends,

not the family

and not any unknown or familiar mocking voices, gazes, and words.

And with a kiss, we will resurrect each other.

Our love will remain unshaken in any given circumstance or surrounding.


We won’t be any hashtag relationship goals.

We won’t be working on any fantasy.

We are not trying to live a dream.

We are two people made of love for each other, for infinity.

We are two people made of magic in every breath we take,

coming together at this beach home.

There will be no fear of being vulnerable for us.

We recognize the deepest form of loving is child-like.

To be helplessly vulnerable.

Not to seek help or attention or answers,

in fact, not seek anything at all,

just to express love,

and be it.

Yes! you and I.

We will love to be vulnerable with each other,

and make it our epitome of truth,

the foundation clouds of being ourselves,

with ourselves.

We will do grand things in simple ways.

I will always seek the spark in your eyes even at sixty,

you will bend down to kiss me even when your back hurts.

At this beach home,

we will lie down by the warm sea.

Sand on our backs, moonlight on our faces,

sunscreen, and freckles.

Still loving, still falling, still crazy.


Just ripped with time and risen in love.

Admiring each other’s wrinkly skin,

saggy ass, low-hung boobs.

Fighting about who is going to die first,

and laughing about all the silly old fights.

We will attend many births and many funerals together,

birth of opportunities, funerals of past traumas,

birth of new life, funerals of aged loved ones,

birth of fresh hope, funerals of old fears,

birth of lessons, funerals of mistakes.


Life or death will not shake our love.

At this beach home,

we will live a life that is unique to us,

and our quirks,

and our love.

At this beach home,

we will stay up all day surfing into a daydream,

and sleep all night planning to plan.

At this beach home,

we will find each other over and over and over again,

to never let go,

to never have a broken heart,

to never shed a tear alone.


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