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A Reader's Confession

Today, I have decided to walk into the confessional and confess my sins as a reader. Bless me, for I have sinned. This is my very first confession, so be kind with your judgments. You see, I like to believe that my sins are not sins at all, but my books tend to disagree. Their disagreements have made me ponder upon my actions and bought me into this confessional.

These are my sins, my seven deadly bookish sins.



As a reader, especially, the one in love with books, I am expected to complete reading a book when I start one. But I have failed to keep up with this expectation on multiple occasions. There are n numbers of books I have left halfway. I have told myself I would get back to them soon and haven’t done that. On the other hand, there are books I can’t get enough of it. I reschedule my entire day, push away all my chores, only to become a sloth with a book in my hand.


Every year, every month, in fact, every day, I remind myself not to fall for the temptation of new books and their alluring calls, but I fail. Now, I possess more unread books than read books. Yet, I don’t seem to have a grip on this sin. Everything about a book is intoxicating. It is like a piece of heaven in my hands. Even God does not want to give up heaven, and I am just a mortal being.


An author places immense thought in naming their characters while crafting a story. I am guilty of renaming these characters because I am unable to pronounce the given name or simply feed my fancy. Some readers might conclude this action to be unforgivably disrespectful. However, for an Indian reader to pronounce a Japanese or Russian or German name can be a challenge! If the character was named Junichiro Tanizaki, I would proudly call him JK and make him my own.


Reality can be tough, unromantic, unexciting, and unreal! Therefore, I have found an addictive escape through books into the world of possibilities, excitement, magic, and romance. Hope rises in me when I read. Non-read claims it to be an illusion. I have been advised to snap out of my fantasy. To stop the addiction. To have realistic expectations with life. But how can I? When there is a world, I can escape to with a book in my hand. Therefore, making me guilty of gluttony.


I have actively cheated on my partners by lusting over fictional characters from books. Also, I am cheated on one fictional character with another. For instance, Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice with Kell from the Shades of Magic series. I have lost count of the number of times I have fantasized about them and bought them to reality. And the permutation-combination I indulge with them in. Oh! The things I have done to them and they to me in my fantasy are hazardous to be mentioned in a holy confessional, but of course, you get the picture.


I am not usually the envying type. But when it comes to books, I cannot stop myself from feeling envious of those who have read more books than I by the end of the year. Also, those readers who go on buying books at the pace of lightning. Also, those who read faster than I. Also, those who receive book mails frequently. These people. These readers are of my kind. I love them! I love their love for reading, but they don’t fail from turning me green with envy.


Sharing is the holy grail of kindness, I get that! You ask me to share my food, I will be happy to do that, unlike Joey from FRIENDS. But when it comes to sharing my books, I get deeply sceptical. Let’s say; I find kindness in myself and get rid of the scepticism and share a book. When the book fails to be returned on time or in its original condition or after having liked it as much as I did, a fire breathing dragon in me is awakened. There is no stopping the wrath that arises in me towards the borrower. I am deeply sinful of this. Therefore, have stopped lending books altogether.

I am truly sorry for all my sins. This year 2022, I vow to do better. Please share with me your words of advice and encouragement in the comments. This will help me become a more faithful disciple of THE BOOKS. Feel free to assign me the penance to perform as per my sins. Now,


Oh My Books, I am sorry for my sins.

In choosing to sin, and failing to do good,

I have sinned against you and your shelf.

I firmly intend, with the help of your pages,

To make up for my sins

And to read as I should.



Books, the Epitome of Magic,

through the flipping and turning of your pages,

has recreated the world to imagine

and sent the Holy Shelf among us

for the forgiveness of sins;

Through the magic of the pages

may Books give you wisdom and peace,

and absolve you from your sins

In the name of the Books, and of the Pages,

and of the Holy Shelf.


With your respectful permission, I will now leave the confessional.

Thanks be to Books📚.





2. Confession prayers –

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